Are you aware that by drinking more water people have seen improvements in the following…
· Stomach and intestinal pain
· Arthritis
· Low Back Pain
· Neck Pain
· Headaches
· Depression
· Blood Pressure
· Cholesterol Levels
· Weight
· Allergies
· Fainting
· Sleeping
· Cramping
· Etc.
Adding more water into your lifestyle is one of the easiest things to do. Here a simple way to do it. (This is the minimum amount you should be drinking.)
- 1. Upon rising fill up the LARGEST glass you own with water and drink it all!
- 2. About a half hour before eating each meal or snack, drink a glass of water.
- 3. 1-2 hours after eating drink a glass of water.
- 4. Drink a glass of water before bed.
- 5. Anytime you drink caffeinated or alcoholic beverages you lose water. For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage drink 2 glasses of water.
What happens if you follow this for a few weeks and your symptoms do not improve? Keep Drinking! If you have optimal hydration levels your body will always work better, even if you still have symptoms! You do not feed pop (soda) to your dog, why do you give it to your kids?
In Health
Drs. Brian and Keith Hassinger
Improve your family and friends lives by sharing this information with them!
Labels: Health, Intestines, Lifestyle, Pain, Stomach, Stress, Water, Weight, Wellness